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Free Printable Envelope Templates

Writer's picture: Samantha McNesbySamantha McNesby

I don't know why I am so fascinated by envelopes, but I am -- they make their way into every project I do! These were made from a lovely kids book -- a newer version of the Wizard of Oz. It had heavy paper and charming illustrations but the cover was damaged, so it got new life as a set of yellow brick road themed envelopes.

These are fast and easy to make -- I created a template from cardboard (there are some free templates waiting for you below -- and then positioned it on the pages.

This particular book is oversized, at 12x15" there is a lot of room to position an envelope. I'd recommend using the see through template plastic used by quilters if you have it -- I did not, so cardboard and guesswork was the order of the day!

The book made 16 envelopes in total, and the covers were damaged, so I saved them to create smaller journals. No waste!

Here's a look at the bunch:

If you do not have a book you wish to cut up -- mine was rescued from the trash - I have created some printable cash and journaling envelopes as well -- they're uploading over the next few days -- the animal print ones shown here are just one version. Like all kits and downloads, these are free for premium members.

Whether you use the printed versions or carve up an otherwise ruined book, the process is the same. Start by tracing the template or printing the page onto heavy cardstock, then cut around the edges.

Next fold up the sides and crease with a bone folder -- it is tempting to skip this step but creasing them really gives sharp edges and its worth the time!

Overlap the edge and then glue in place. Fold up the bottom tab and glue as well. Stick between the pages of a big book to dry, then use as you'd like.

I had a ton of fun making these, and found some other books headed for the discard bin -- here are a few of the other sets I made:

From a rainforest book:

A book about Jane Goodall:

A book-with-record version of Lady and the Tramp -- you'll find the template to make mini envelopes like these at the end of this post. Aren't they cute!

An old book of explorers -- I particularly like the maps!

Here are the mini templates:

and the slightly larger versions:

Right click to save won't work on all browsers, so you can also download the zip file below, both templates are inside.

I'd love to see what you make! I've linked a few other projects you might like below, enjoy!

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